Grace Baptist Church
Contact Us
- Phone: (239) 772-1400
- Email:
- Mailing Address: 1300 Ceitus Terrace, Cape Coral, FL 33991
Children are a high priority with us. We view them as blessings given directly by God (Psalm 127:3). This commitment gives rise to two specific emphases in ministry:
First, we strongly encourage parents to develop the very best skills possible for raising their children.
Second, we accept the responsibility as a church to assist parents in nurturing and caring for their children.
We provide very carefully designed programs of instruction for children in our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes. Our hope and constant prayer for our children is that God will save them and that they will grow to become a mighty force for the cause of God and truth in their generation.
Young people today are being sent mixed messages from our society. They are being confronted with both opportunities and temptations that were virtually unknown a generation ago. At Grace, our young people are challenged to develop a God-centered view of the world and to courageously follow Jesus Christ in standing against the moral disintegration of our culture. Youth Bible Studies meet every Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
We have classes for children and youth from 9:00 to 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings and from 6:30 to 7:30 PM on Wednesday evenings